PinnedNabila AbrahaminAnalytics VidhyaOhMyGraphs: GraphSAGE and inductive representation learningThis post assumes you know a little something about graphs and their role in graph neural networks. If not, I might put an intro together…Apr 21, 20206Apr 21, 20206
Nabila AbrahaminAnalytics VidhyaOhMyGraphs: GraphSAGE in PyGIn a (much) earlier post, I described the intuition and some of the math behind a basic graph neural network (GNN) algorithm, GraphSAGE…Jul 6, 20212Jul 6, 20212
Nabila AbrahamOhMyGraphs: Graph Attention NetworksThis post follows from the intuition and notation in the GraphSAGE post in this series; check it out to follow along better! On the heels…Jun 7, 2020Jun 7, 2020